Tsinghua-TAU joint seminars in Quantum Computation

16 October 2023, 16:00 
Tsinghua-TAU joint seminars in Quantum Computation

Dear members and students,


We are pleased to invite you to out next Tsinghua-TAU joint seminars in Quantum Computation.


To receive future notifications directly, you are welcome to join the seminar’s Google group.


The following is the recording of our Previous seminars - 


Quantum Seminar : Beyond Qubit with Structured Photons - Prof. Ebrahim Karimi - Link to the recording


Quantum Seminar : Scattering of entangled photon pairs  - Prof. Yaron Bromberg - Link to the recording


Quantum Seminar : Probing non-equilibrium quantum dynamics with solid-state spin defects in diamond  - Prof. Chong Zu - Link to the recording


Quantum Seminar : Quantum simulation with neutral atoms and cloud access  - Dr. Shengtao Wang - Link to the recording


Quantum Seminar : Trapped-ions quantum computing - a take of highly social qubits  - Prof. Roee Ozeri - Link to the recording


Quantum Seminar : Quantum computing over the rainbow  - Prof. Oliver Pfister - Link to the recording


Quantum Seminar : Quantum reservoir computing  - Prof. Xiaopeng Li - Link to the recording


Quantum Seminar : Quantum Error Correction Beyond Break Even Using Microwave Photons - Prof. Steven Girvin - Link to the recording


Quantum Seminar : Ion Trap Quantum Simulation with Spins and Phonons - Prof. Yukai Wu - Link to the recording


Quantum Seminar : Non-linear integrated quantum optics - Prof. Christine Silberhorn - Link to the recording


Next seminar - Details will be published later...


Below is the regular link to these seminars -

Zoom Meeting - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82245900781






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